

Electric Quilt is an integral part of everyday life at Quilt around the World. We design many of our patchwork and quilting projects with the help of this versatile software programme and use EQ8 to write our tutorials. Our relationship with the company Electric Quilt has been more and more intensive since 2012 when we translated the user manual of the then current version EQ7 into German. Translating a software manual into your own language makes you an intimate friend of that tool! ;-)

Here in our shop, you will find EQ8 software licenses and upgrades, complementary block collections such as Blockbase+ and exclusive block collections designed by our team. Our online class list for beginners and advanced EQ8 users is growing continuously, however we offer these classes only in German.

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EQ8 Full Version

239.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 5-7 days
Delivery weight: 200 g

EQ8 Upgrade

109.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 5-7 days
Delivery weight: 200 g


135.00 *
Delivery weight: 300 g


49.90 *
Delivery weight: 700 g

EQ8 Grundkurs (Online)

100.00 *
In stock

EQ8 Sonderthemen Farbe (Online)

30.00 *
In stock

EQ8 Invididual Coaching

25.00 *
In stock


15.90 *

Why EQ8?

If you don't know Electric Quilt and its current version EQ8 yet, you might ask yourself what benefits this software created to design quilts could give you. The software is expensive after all and "offline" design methods, i.e. paper, ruler, pencil, aren't too bad either.


What can I do with EQ8?

Design Blocks and Quilts

With EQ8, you can digitally create all components of your quilts - pieced blocks, applique motifs, quilting stencils, sashings, quilt borders etc.

To draw patchwork blocks, EQ8 offers different modules which allow you to draw various types of quilt blocks. Moreover, EQ8 comes with fantastic "assistants" which open a veritable design universe with only a few mouse clicks. Beware: There is an acute addiction risk! Your own designs aside, you can use almost 7,000 readily drawn block patterns which you can use as basis for your own designs as they are or change as much as you like.


Also when joining individual block designs in a quilt EQ8 supports you with numerous layouts, both for the quilt centre and for the design of quilt borders.

EQ8 certainly focuses on "classic" blocks and quilts and, at the same time, offers lots of room for "modern" designs for blocks and quilts alike.

Change Colours and Fabrics with few Clicks and Import own Fabrics

If you'd like to know what a block or quilt looks like in a different colour or fabric combination, you can find out with few clicks in EQ8. To play with colours and fabrics, you have several tools at your disposal and over 6,000 digital fabric samples provided by known fabric manufacturers. You can also import fabrics or rather fabric images to show your quilts with "real" fabrics on your screen, i.e. the fabrics you actually plan to use. 

Print Templates, Rotary Cutting Diagrammes and Foundation Piecing Patterns

For everything you draw in EQ8, you can easily print templates, rotary cutting diagrammes and foundation piecing patterns. And this in all conceivable sizes and dimensions.



Calculate Yardage

Once you have finished designing a quilt, EQ8 calculates yardage for you - based on the fabrics you have used in your design.

... and much more!

Beyond these important major functions, there are many more exciting features which we are not covering here in detail. Should you decide to use EQ8, you can look forward to entering a small design universe which will give you a lot of joy and which will carry your quilting and your designing to another level.


Where can I purchase EQ8?

For tax reasons, The Electric Quilt Company decided not to sell licenses in Europe any longer. We at Quilt around the World are therefore selling EQ8 full licenses and EQ8 upgrades within the EU and also the rest of Europe.

If you live in the UK, please refer to Search Press Limited who will provide you with EQ8 without any tariff hassle.

In our webshop, you will find both the EQ8 full license, the EQ8 upgrade and Blockbase+.

For the EQ8 upgrade, please note that we only stock small small quantities.


How can I learn to work with EQ8?

EQ8 is a very mature and comprehensive graphics software programme. The user interface is very user friendly and you can quickly immerse yourself in the different functions.

Especially in the beginning, it is necessary to practice regularly and to start working on own projects as soon as possible. EQ8 simply works differently compared to other applications e.g. word processing programmes. The EQ8 user manual which you can download when purchasing EQ8 is an excellent resource to get deeply acquainted with the software.

Moreover, The Electric Quilt Company offers lots of online material and (online) classes. Please check out their website:

The Electric Quilt Company

The online classes we offer are conducted in German. We do not have plans to offer classes in English as we think that The Electric Quilt Company has this angle fully covered. ;-) At the same time, we are here for you - if you'd like to have one-to-one support, please check our EQ8 Coaching available in our webshop.


Who will help me with questions or problems with EQ8?

The Electric Quilt Company offers excellent support to EQ8 users. Questions are answered very quickly. Please check out the Electric Quilt website (link above).

Again, you are also very welcome to contact us via e-mail. Please understand that we might not be able to answer at once.


Is an upgrade from EQ7 to EQ8 advisable?

Changing from EQ7 to EQ8 is not difficult and the many improvements make designing much easier in EQ8. One of our favourite improvement: When you change lines after colouring an EasyDraw block, the fabrics/colours already selected will remain in place and troublesome recolouring is no longer necessary.

Since the "infrastructure" for EQ7 (especially classes) has diminished dramatically, we indeed recommend to upgrade to EQ8.

If you decide to upgrade, you can continue working with EQ7 in parallel since EQ8 is installed independently. To install the EQ8 upgrade, you will need the EQ7 license ID and password.


Alternatives to EQ8

As always in life, there other options to design your quilts on your computer. Until vey recently, the most important alternative was the software QuiltPro. Unfortunately, this programme will no longer be supported/developed (it seems that a free-of-charge download is still available).

Aside from this, the only options remaining are "classic" graphics software programmes such as CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. On the one hand, these are very powerful designs for graphics design and were created for professional graphics designers. On the other hand, they naturally lack specific features useful for patchwork and quilting which are an integral part of EQ8, such as the automatic calculation of seam allowances for templates.


Who is behind Electric Quilt?

The Electric Quilt Company is a small company located in Bowling Green in Ohio in the USA.

The idea to create a design software for quilters first came up in 1991. At that time, Penny McMorris and her husband Dean Neumann started to work on the first prototype for Electric Quilt. Penny McMorris might be known to quilters with a longer quilting history through her intelligent and visionary magazine articles and books, among others on Crazy Quilts and Art Quilts.

Since then, the software has been continually improved and is currently available in version 8 (EQ8). Today, The Electric Quilt Company has ca. 12 employees who work tirelessly and enthusiastically to offer an easily accessible and at the same time very powerful tool to design unique quilts.